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The 2024 PBIS Recognition Awards will be opening up on January 30.
Applications can be found
If you have questions or would like support with the application process, please contact the Region 2 PBIS coordinator:
Jeremy Sawtelle
(530) 433-4382
In California alone, a child is reported missing about every 5 minutes equating to more than 100,000 reports taken each year. To help build awareness, this annual poster contest sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice (U.S. DOJ) invites all 5th graders across the nation to participate.
The U.S. DOJ sponsors this national poster contest to raise awareness and bring attention to children who have been recovered, as well as the children who are still missing. The winner of the national contest, along with his or her teacher and parents/guardians, are flown to Washington DC to attend the National Missing Children’s Day Ceremony in May.
The winner at the California state level will be receiving a pizza party for themselves and their 5th grade class!
Sample lesson plans and materials for educators are available on-line at:
To participate in the contest, students must:
- Be in the 5th grade
- Complete a poster size 8 ½ x 14 inches
- Include the phrase “Bringing Our Missing Children Home” somewhere on the poster
- Use materials such as: crayons, markers, paint, pencils, etc.
- Handcraft the poster’s design. Digitally produced images, collages, cut-outs, and stamping are not eligible
- Submit the poster along with a completed Contest Application and Release and Consent Form
Entries must be postmarked by February 9, 2024
You can find the full application and release form here.
Send the poster and the completed application to:
California Department of Justice
Missing Children Clearinghouse
ATTN: MUPS – Kilgore Bldg.
4949 Broadway
Sacramento, CA 95820
Each state’s Missing Children Clearinghouse will select a winner and submit the winning state poster to the U.S. DOJ for final judging.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please send an email to
For Linked Learning, CTE, California Partnership Academy, WorkAbility and other Work-Based Learning Professionals.
Shasta County Office of Education Professional Development Center
2985 Innsbruck Dr
Redding, CA 96003
For questions contact:
Hestia Rojas
The Heart of a Hall of Famer Program provides students the opportunity to learn first-hand what it took beyond athletic ability for legendary Hall of Famers to achieve success on and off the football field. The program focuses on the Hall of Fame Values of commitment, integrity, courage, respect and honesty. Throughout the school year, Hall of Famers speak to students around the country. Past participants have included Jerome Bettis, Orlando Pace, Marshall Faulk, Franco Harris, Tony Dungy, Isaac Bruce and many more.
Any school can connect to the Heart of a Hall of Famer program via a PC/MAC/IOS/Android device using Zoom. There are limited interactive spots available, and the first seven (7) schools to register will receive those spots. If you register and are not one of the first seven (7) schools, you can still be part of the program as a “view only” school. You still will be able to access the chat function to ask the guest a question.
A session is available to grades 4-12 free of charge. For more information on upcoming Hall of Famer speakers, please contact the Hall of Famer Youth & Education Department at or register below.
Click here to learn more and to register:
The California Department of Education is offering a series of webinars for TK-12 teachers to familiarize or re-familiarize with English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework. Topics in this webinar series include:
Webinars are from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. on the following remaining dates:
Registration link:
The Problem: In today’s information age, it is getting harder to separate fact from fiction. In a Pew Research study:
The Solution: The News Literacy Project equips educators with the curriculum and professional learning necessary to support news and media literacy learning in the classroom, creating better informed, more engaged and more empowered individuals — and ultimately a stronger democracy.
View the full flyer and find registration here:
Passages Caregiver Resource Center will continue offering free classes every 4th Thursday to those caring for a loved one, such as a parent, spouse, or other family member. If you help with grocery shopping, bills, housework or other personal care, this final workshops will provide helpful tips.
The Trinity Caregiver Group meets at TCOE from 1-2 p.m. with the next meeting on Jan. 25.
Questions? Contact:
Kelsi Halvarson
Passages Caregiver Resource Center
Turtle Bay Exploration Park has released its School Field Trips & Resources information brochure for 2023-24. From independent exploration for all ages to classes that span K-8th grade, including exploration classes, animals classes and classes in the garden, there are many field trip opportunities throughout the year.
Click the link below to view the full brochure: