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California Dyslexia Initiative: Professional Learning Bundle On-Demand Courses

The California Dyslexia Initiative presents a free, state-wide professional learning bundle for California educators offered in partnership by the Sacramento County Office of Education and Glean Education. This professional learning opportunity is focused on building awareness and capacity to support struggling readers and students at risk for, or with, dyslexia throughout the state. (Note: CEU credit is available upon coursework completion.)

Enrollment is open until January 21, 2024. 

Enroll and find out more information here:

CDI Bundle

North State PLN: Elevate, Educate, Empower: Advancing Multilingual Excellence in the Classroom

This virtual Professional Learning Network for EL instruction on December 12, 2023, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. is for California classroom teachers, site administrators, paraeducators, and counselors. The topic of this PLN is: "Elevate, Educate, Empower: Advancing Multilingual Excellence in the Classroom."

This free virtual PLN focuses on effective language acquisition programs and elevating instruction for multilingual English learner students.

You can register and find out more information here:

EPiCC keynote speaker

EpiCC featured speakers

This event is sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education in partnership with the Sacramento County Office of Education and is powered by ESN Education Speakers Network.

EL Webinar Series: Lifting Student Agency, Goal Setting, & Inclusive Learning for English Learners Data Visualizations

EL Webinar SeriesDeveloping a robust data culture is key to improving outcomes and experiences for English learners/ multilingual students in educational systems. This professional learning series builds the capacity of educators to integrate the English Learner Roadmap Principles into a data culture that accurately explores the experiences and the academic/linguistic outcomes of all typologies of language learners, such as such as elementary, secondary, and dual language.

The data resources and tools provided in this series foster powerful data conversations, enabling educators to identify key trends and patterns for effective academic and linguistic instructional design and interventions. Furthermore, data analysis and collaboration regarding the experiences of students and families build the capacity of elementary educators to design environments and opportunities that increase student agency and foster a sense of belonging.


Elementary Session

November 28, 2023

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Participants will:

  • Identify data visualization strategies specifically tailored to prevent Long-Term English Learners (LTEL) as it relates to integrated and designated English language development. 
  • Acquire the skills to effectively use data for cross-level collaboration for a more holistic understanding of student progress and support strategies, leading to improved outcomes for English learners.


Secondary Session

December 5, 2023

4:00 - 5:30 PM

Participants will:

  • Identify effective data practices to support language development and academic success in the secondary school setting.
  • Learn best practices for data collection for newcomers, Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) in a secondary school context. 

Register for either webinar here:

Project Change Webinar Series K-3: Tools to Identify and Respond to Giftedness in the Early Years

Project Change Webinar SeriesThis two-night virtual conference on Thursday, November 30, 2023 and  December 7, 2023 from 4:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. will explore curriculum developed by USC Rossier School of Education that aims to uncover the abilities and provide equitable opportunities to challenge all learners. This series is created for K-3rd grade teachers, administrators, coaches, and consultants. The series costs $145 and includes an ebook from Project Change.

You can register for the webinar here:

 The USC Rossier School of Education is part of the University of Southern California, one of the world’s leading private research universities. Classes in education at USC began in the 1890s. The Department of Education was established in 1909, and the School of Education was established in 1918. 

Holiday Card Student Art Contest

SSDA is looking for a beautiful design for its 2023 holiday card, and wants to feature art from an SSDA Member Small School District or Charter School student on it. (All of our districts are members.)

SSDA Holiday Card ContestDeadline for Submissions: 5 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023

The winning artwork will be featured on SSDA’s 2023 Holiday Card, and the artist will receive a $100 Amazon gift card.

The theme for this year's contest is "Holiday Spirit!"

The rules:

  • Illustrate the essence of holiday spirit without tying it to a specific celebration—focus on emotions like joy, kindness, and togetherness.
  • Students from grade levels TK-12th at SSDA Member small school Districts or Charter Schools are invited to participate. (All Trinity County schools are members.)
  • Artwork should reflect the theme “Happy Holidays” without focusing on any specific holiday or religion.
  • All submissions should be submitted as a high-quality image (JPG, PNG, or PDF) of the original art. Please do not mail any original artwork.
  • Submission should be emailed to no later than 5 p.m. PST on Friday, December 1.

Save the Date! Traveling Lantern Shows for Trinity County Schools: Pinocchio and Scrooge

TCOE is coordinating three showings of the current fall Traveling Lantern shows. TCOE is coordinating these efforts so multiple schools can benefit from Traveling Lantern visiting our county. Registration links for schools and more info to come:

  • Dec. 4, 8:30 a.m. @ Burnt Ranch Elementary - Scrooge
  • Dec. 4, 12:30 p.m. for Weaverville area schools @ TAPAC) - Scrooge
  • Dec. 5, 9:30 a.m. for Hayfork Elementary @ Hayfork High Stage - Pinocchio


Pinocchio with Traveling LanternAbout Pinocchio

The adventures of life teach a puppet about honesty and humanity. Appropriate for K-6th grade students.

A little wooden marionette is lovingly created by a master craftsman... but what a bad little puppet he turns out to be! He's selfish and greedy, and he lies. He doesn't listen to the good counsel of anyone: his father Gepetto, a philosopher Cricket, or a Blue Fairy. After many hair raising adventures, Pinocchio finally learns what it takes to become human... kindness, compassion, loyalty, hard work and selflessness.


About The Story of Ebenezer Scrooge or: "A Christmas Carol"

Scrooge with Traveling LanternThe Classic tale of a miser's redemption. Appropriate for K-8th grade students.

Ebenezer Scrooge is a nasty, mean, snarling old geezer with no care for anything other than his money.

His one and only friend visits him as a ghost, and starts him on a journey that melts his icy heartand teaches him the joys of caring for, and giving to others.

Reach out to Julia Dixon for any questions (registration forms coming soon!)

Exploring Phenomena: Using Science to Figure Things Out

In this in-person workshop designed for teachers grades K-12 at the California Academy of Sciences on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. you will build your understanding of what phenomenon-based science can be, why it matters, and how to start making it happen in your classroom. 

“How did the Grand Canyon form?” “What happens to an apple core when I throw it in the compost?” These questions about real-world phenomena are examples of how science can be used for figuring things out. In this workshop you will participate as a learner in a phenomenon-based lesson sequence, then unpack your experience with fellow educators. You will build understanding and gain strategies to help you choose phenomena and craft essential questions that can guide your students to figure things out about the real world.

Tickets are $30 and pre-registration by Nov. 30 is required. Registration also includes admission to the California Academy of Sciences exhibits as well. 

Register and learn more here:

Fred Jones: Tools for Teaching Classroom Management In-Person Training

Open to Trinity County teachers and staff, this in-person training is Nov. 14-15 and Jan. 24, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with Tehama County Office of Education. CEU credit will be available upon completion from USD and lunch will be provided, as well as Tools for Teaching book. The training focuses on practical and effective classroom management strategies you can use immediately.

Learn to Reduce:

  • Student Disruptions
  • Backtalk
  • Helpless Handraising
  • Dawdling

Learn to Increase:

  • Time-on-Task
  • Responsible Behavior
  • Motivation
  • Independent Learning

To register, contact:

Kevin Kurtz
Tehama County Department of Education
(530) 528-7361

SEL Exchange Conference Registration Open

Hosted by CASEL, the SEL Exchange is an opportunity to connect and learn with educators, researchers, policy leaders, and youth champions from around the world. This year, they're focusing on the latest innovations and evidence for advancing adult social and emotional learning (SEL) to support young people during the most urgent of times. 

This year’s theme recognizes that every adult in a young person’s life — family members, educators, coaches, mentors — influences their social, emotional, and academic development. When adults and students alike have meaningful, inclusive opportunities to learn and develop social and emotional skills, we build a village where everyone thrives.

With nearly 300 sessions for educators, school and district leaders, researchers, policymakers, caregivers, out-of-school time providers, and community partners, the SEL Exchange has something for everyone. Sessions include insights from young people and international perspectives from presenters from across the globe.

View the session and registration information here:

Student Ag Writing Contest Due Nov. 1

Ag Writing ContestThe “Imagine this... “ story writing contest is currently open for submissions for 3rd-8th grade students. Participants have a chance to become published authors and gain recognition by having their names displayed on the State Assembly floor, along with an educational Capitol tour.

Additionally, winning students will receive e-readers, and the grand prize includes an all-expenses-paid trip to the state capitol for the Imagine this... ceremony in March 2024, with the inclusion of parents and teachers.

Students are encouraged to craft stories revolving around California agriculture. More details and an online submission process can be found at the link below. The deadline is Nov. 1.

More info and submissions:

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