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Renewing Receded Identities through Art & Writing
October 10, 2023

HOPE Healing Online for People EverywhereWe all have multiple identities—from parent to educator to advocate. Some of our identities arise from roles we play in relation to others, some are inherited, and others are chosen. In this 90-minute experiential workshop, discover, explore, and learn about the Open Studio Process (OSP), a safe and simple art and writing practice that can be used to renew our sense of meaning and purpose.

Date: Friday, December 8, 2023

Time: Noon to 1:30 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Instructor: Pat B. Allen, PhD, ATR

Description: We all have multiple identities—from parent to educator to advocate. Some of our identities arise from roles we play in relation to others, some are inherited, and others are chosen; some may seem stable and life-long, while others are fleeting or shelved.

In this 90-minute experiential workshop, discover, explore, and attend to your neglected identities—ones that may have receded, yet are ready for restoration—through the introduction of the Open Studio Process (OSP), a safe and simple art and writing practice that can be used to renew our sense of meaning and purpose.

Learn more here:

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